
This tutorial goes through the Legislation past paper of June 2020

The answers are based on the current version of the Ordinance (Nov 2020) but this version is due to to be updated next year (2021) according to the this year's amendments ordinance 2020 which I also recommend you read through for your reference.

Some more refs:


Bird and Bird (legal firm website)

Also for subscribers you can check out the new Leg index I created which indexes previous past paper questions into related topics!

Please note that I am not affiliated with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, nor did I write the questions.

You need to have an understanding on how to look up drug classification. There is a tutorial which does that.

You need to know how to look up the ordinances and regulations on the HK e-legislation website.

Relevant ordinances and regulations

  • Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance Cap 138
  • Pharmacy and Poisons Regulations Cap 138A
  • Dangerous Drugs Ordinance Cap 134
  • Dangerous Drugs Regulations Cap 134A
  • Antibiotics Ordinance Cap 137
  • Antibiotics Ordinance Cap 137A
  • Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance Cap 231
  • Import and Export Ordinance Cap 60

The wording of the legislation may be difficult to understand. You can see how I have summarised some of the sections, or you can obtain a copy of the PSHK's forensics lecture notes (from me in exchange for a donation to charity). Other references include the websites of the Drug Office and Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPBHK). The PPBHK have produced publications such as the Code of Practise for Authorised Sellers of Poisons which are also useful for deciphering the legislation text.

I have included references to the Ordinances (i.e. 'section') and the subsidiary Regulations ('regulation'). For the answers I give an abridged version of the legislation, for the full version you need to refer back to original legislation text.

Sometimes I add the text from the legislation at the bottom of the answer, but you should still also refer to the full version.

In the exam it is not necessary to remember the exact numbers of all the sections and regulations nor the exact wording of the legislation to obtain a pass. You do need to demonstrate you know the answer by being able to list out all or at least most of the key points. You can practise by trying to summarise the relevant sections and regulations without removing important information.

Bear in mind I have had unlimited time and access to references to answer the questions. You won't be expected to remember every single detail!

The structure of the exam is the same every year, consisting of five questions, the first one on drug classification, and then 4 long essay questions. Each question is worth 20 marks, each essay question is divided into three parts. There is no indication on the mark distribution for each part, but usually at least one part will be a long answer, and one part will be a short answer. Also look at what is being asked in the other exam questions to avoid unnecessary repetition.

If you have any questions please contact me via the Facebook group messenger.

Best wishes with the upcoming exams


Nov 2020

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