
15 years ago, when Mary was a 7 year old girl, her parents and teachers reported her to have regular daydreaming. Mary simply stared vacantly; neither speaking nor apparently hearing what was said. She was referred to a paediatric service. After investigation, electroencephalogram (EEG) showed generalised 3 Hz spike and wave discharges. 

a) What type of disorder was Mary likely to have had? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

b) Mary was prescribed sodium valproate 15 years ago and has continued the treatment until now. What are the pharmacological actions of sodium valproate? (4 marks)

c) Mary had her annual check-up this morning. She told her neurologist that she is planning to get married next year. The neurologist asks you to develop a pharmacological management plan for Mary. What will be your plan and explain the rationales of your plan? (14 marks)

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